Accessibility Statement

The firm puts many resources and efforts in order to provide all its clients with an equal, respectful, accessible and professional service. In accordance with the Equal Rights for Persons with Disabilities Law, 1998 and the regulations thereunder, the firm puts many efforts and resources in making necessary accessibility adjustments to enable any person with a disability to receive the services provided to all our clients, in an independent and equal manner.

Accessibility arrangements for persons visiting our office:
The guest parking area of our building includes accessible parking spaces, with direct access from the parking area to our office, accessible restrooms, as well as guidance and direction signs. In addition, we permit entry with service animals assisting any person with a disability.

Website accessibility:
The Website complies with the requirements of the Equal Rights for Persons with Disabilities Regulations (Accessibility Adjustments to the Service), 2013.

You may contact us with suggestions for improving accessibility by emailing us at