Terms of Use of the Website

This Website is owned by Tel-Zur & Co., Advs. (the: “Firm“), at: www.telzur.com and/or all related sites as stated hereinabove, collectively including the Firm’s content available through the Website, for the purpose of obtaining information and for the benefit of the visitor. The visitor may only use the Website for non-commercial purposes and for purposes in keeping with the Law. The visitor’s access to the Website is subject to the terms and conditions specified hereinbelow. By accessing/entering and browsing the Website, the visitor provides their unqualified and unreserved consent to be bound by the terms and conditions specified hereinbelow, and in accordance with any relevant applicable Law or provision of the Law. These Terms of Use of the Website apply to all visitors of the Website, including those who share content, information and materials, or other services on the Website.

By using and/or visiting the Website, the visitor agrees and consents to all the terms of use specified hereinbelow (hereinafter: the “Terms of Use“) and to the terms and conditions of the Privacy Policy (hereinafter: “Privacy Policy“).
Any visitor who does not wish to accept to these Terms should not to use the Website.

The information featured on the Website is provided for informational purposes only, and should not be construed as legal advice on any subject, and should not be relied upon as such. The Firm bears no liability in connection with any potential implications caused by use of the information featured on this Website. The information featured on this Website may be erroneous or out of date. Access to information contained on this Website shall not be construed as creating any attorney-client relationship between the Firm and any entity accessing this Website, in any way or form. Email inquiries sent to any attorney whose details are listed on this Website, or the sending of any information without the prior consent of the Firm, shall not be construed as automatically creating any client-attorney relationship between the Firm and the party who sent such email or information. Our publications do not constitute legal advice, in any case and under no circumstances. Such publications are intended for informational purposes only and are not intended to be quoted or attributed without our prior written consent. Newsletters sent by our Firm are not intended to automatically create any client-attorney relationship between the Firm and the party receiving such email or information, and the receipt thereof shall not be construed as such.
The content of the Website is the property of the Firm (or used by it with permission). All material included on this Website was created by the Firm and remains the sole property thereof. Reproduction and use of any content as aforesaid hereinabove on part of the visitor is strictly forbidden, unless upon the prior written permission of the Firm to the visitor. Any authorized use may violate copyright Laws/provisions, trademarks, privacy and publication Laws, and/or media legislation/regulations of the State of Israel, and of international Laws and conventions. The Website and the content thereof are provided for informational purposes to the visitor and for their personal use only. It is prohibited to use, photograph, reproduce, distribute, transfer, transmit, present, or sell such content, whether under license or otherwise, for any other purpose, without the prior written consent of the Firm.

The Website may contain links to third party websites. Such Websites are provided by companies not held by/affiliated/associated with the Firm, which is an independent party. The Firm and/or any entity associated with it, does not endorse or represent or bears responsibility with regards to such websites, and the content/hardware of such websites may not have been viewed/reviewed. The Firm has no control, and it bears no liability with regard to the content of the privacy policy or conduct of such third party Websites. In addition, the Firm is unable to censor or edit the content featured on third-party websites. Therefore, the Firm does not represent/guarantee the reliability of the content, or any other aspects of the information contained/displayed on third party websites, or any sources or servers, and in addition the Firm does not necessarily endorse such sites/servers/sources. By using the Website, the visitor expressly holds the Firm and/or any entity related thereto harmless with respect to any liability which may arise/be caused/stand/result regarding the visitor as a result of visiting any third party website. In accordance with the aforesaid, the Website recommends that the visitor be aware that when leaving the Website and entering other websites, they must read the terms and conditions and the privacy policy of each website they visit.